When Do Baby Teeth Come In?

Team Pediatric Dentistry

As a new parent there’s a lot to think about. The first year of your baby’s life is full of firsts and milestones, one of which is getting their first tooth. You may know that it typically happens during the first year, but you may be wondering when to expect that first tooth to show up. Here’s everything you need to know about tooth eruption and early dental care for your baby. 

Average Age For Your Baby’s First Tooth

Most babies get their first tooth somewhere between 6 months and their first birthday. However, this timeframe is just the average. Some babies will get teeth before they are 6 months old and others may not have any teeth by their first birthday. Tooth eruption that occurs before or after the average age is nothing to be concerned about. If your child still has no visible teeth by the time they are 18 months old, it may be a good idea to discuss it with your dentist. 

At What Age Should My Baby Have Their First Dental Appointment?

The American Dental Association and the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry agree that children should have their first dental evaluation between 6 months and one year old. By this time most babies will have at least one tooth that is visible. The first appointment allows the dentist to evaluate your baby’s oral health and address any issues that may be present. It also gives your child an introduction to dental care in order to establish a positive feeling about going to the dentist. 

Early Oral Hygiene 

Many new parents don’t realize that they need to start oral care before there are any teeth visible. It is recommended that you clean your baby’s gums daily with a clean washcloth or an infant toothbrush. Silicone or rubber brushes that fit over your finger are easy to use for gum care. Once your baby has one or more teeth in place, you should brush the teeth with a soft bristled infant toothbrush and a tiny drop of fluoride toothpaste. Only use a very small amount of toothpaste until your baby is old enough to understand how to spit it out. 

What is Delayed Tooth Eruption?

If your child does not have any visible teeth by 18 months it is considered delayed tooth eruption. There is not necessarily a cause for concern, but it is a good idea to have an evaluation by your dentist. Delayed tooth eruption can occur for a variety of reasons including premature birth, low birthweight, vitamin deficiencies, or developmental disorders. Sometimes it's merely genetics. Ask your parents how old you were when you got your first tooth. Delayed tooth eruption may run in the family. 

Early Tooth Eruption

Some babies get teeth before 6 months of age, which is earlier than the average. Some babies are even born with a few teeth already showing. This is not necessarily a problem, but early tooth eruption can make breastfeeding more difficult at first. There are ways to overcome any feeding issues that occur due to early tooth eruption, so there is no reason to avoid breastfeeding because of it. Early tooth eruption is typically genetic. If either biological parent had teeth that came in before 6 months, it is more likely that your child may also. 

Bisson Dentistry Provides Early Dental Care 

It is important to properly care for your baby’s teeth from the very beginning. Early dental care establishes a foundation of dental health that can last a lifetime. Bisson Dentistry provides pediatric dental services beginning with your child’s first appointment. We are a family dental practice, meaning we see patients of all ages. You can bring the whole family to the same office for your convenience, and children won’t have to worry about switching dental practices once they reach adulthood. 

Call 519-821-3561 today to schedule or request an appointment. We look forward to being an important part of your family’s dental health.